A community of change for creative skills

A Meeting of Minds in Helsinki

November 21, 2022

In connection with the ELIA Biennial Conference 2022, which took place 23-26 November in Helsinki, Finland, CYANOTYPES arranged its first experts’ workshop to develop the methodology for the upcoming skills mapping processes.

The Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) sector partners came together in Helsinki anticipating and addressing industry needs and skills gap.

Speaking on behalf of project coordinator HKU University of Arts Utrecht, David Crombie says, “CYANOTYPES adopts anticipatory strategies to develop and test a methodological framework that will empower creators to imagine multiple futures, making processes they are involved in today more sustainable, more resilient, and more dynamic. Organised by a triple loop learning framework, this will include changes in how we “learn how to learn”.”

ELIA Executive Director, Maria Hansen said, “The unique combination of partners which CYANOTYPES brings together, paves the way for interdisciplinary, and innovative collaboration. It’s an opportunity to authentically connect key players in the Cultural and Creative Industries sector and facilitate new learnings and knowledge development that will aid future generations of art students.”