A community of change for creative skills


10 ━ 11 OCTOBER 2023



Creative Skills Week 2023 is an essential destination for creatives, producers, leaders, cultural workers, managers, educators, crafters, grafters, changemakers and dreamers, who care about what the future holds for creative skills development. Originally proposed in the Creative Pact for Skills Manifesto, CSW2023 aims to synergise existing activities, projects and communities to promote new approaches to re-skilling and up-skilling. Join Creative Skills Week 2023 from 10-13 October 2023 in Vienna (in person and online).


Photos by Paul Pibernig


Update 27/10/2023:
Last seats available! Due to the overwhelming response and capacity limitations of our venue, a waiting list is open for the Anticipating Creative Futures In-Person programme. Register to the waiting list by adding your contact information via the registration link and we will contact you in the event of a cancellation.



University for Applied Arts Vienna; Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 1030 Vienna

Kassenhalle – Café Exchange; Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna




17:00 – Registration
Grab your badge and prepare for an insightful experience.
17:20 – Official Opening of the Creative Skills Week


Petra Schaper Rinkel, Rector of the University for Applied Arts Vienna

Barbara Stacher, Senior Expert at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC)’s Cultural Policy Unit

Ilona Lelonek Husting, Policy Officer at the Unit for “Proximity, Social economy and Creative Industries” of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) at the European Commission

nia Almeida Santos, Vice President of European Creative Hubs Network

David Crombie, Project Coordinator of CYANOTYPES, HKU – University of the Arts Utrecht

Charlotte Gimfalk, Managing Director, YNFT – Screen Skills Committee Sweden

18:50 – Meet the Community

Participants engage in a fun networking activity to get to know each other and explore shared interests and goals.

19:20 – Reception

While enjoying a drink and some food, delegates are guided to explore possible solutions to the challenges of the cultural and creative industries sector.



09:00 – Registration and coffee
09:30 – Plenary session: Let’s Learn How to Learn

In this session, the Cyanotypes consortium partners will present their findings after the first project year. What have we learned and what do we still need to learn? What are the skills gaps in the cultural and creative industries? What are the competencies that we should have and that we will need in the future?


Gerin Trautenberger, Managing Director, ECBN – European Creative Business Network

Becky Riches, Project Manager, MateraHub

Florian Schneider, Professor, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Sónia Alves, Researcher, K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik gGmbH

10:30 – Break
11:00 – Co-creation sessions: Slaying Sacred Cows

A sacred cow is a figure of speech for something considered immune from question or criticism. What are the Sacred Cows when it comes to skills and competencies in the cultural and creative industries? Participants critically look at the findings of the CYANOTYPES project, share failures and propose possible improvements.

11:45 – Co-creation session: World Café

Participants contribute to answering the key questions emerging from the CYANOTYPES project that are at the core of shaping the future of the Cultural and Creative Industries Sector. What are the skills and competencies that are needed to undertake the Green, Digital and Societal Transformation? Are these integrated in education or how can we include these in future curricula? These and more questions will guide the stakeholders in co-creating the future of the cultural and creative industries.



13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Open Space

Participants co-create the agenda of the afternoon. What are the issues and topics that should be addressed? Participants lead the way in problem-solving and future thinking for the CCSI.

17:00 – Closing plenary

Let’s regroup after our intensive breakout sessions. What did we discover, learn, and unlearn?


André Forte, Head of Business Development – Arts, UPTEC

David Crombie, Project Coordinator of CYANOTYPES, HKU – University of the Arts Utrecht

18:00 – Closing reception

We celebrate together with drinks and food at the end of a productive and creative day. Find here your next partner in creativity.




17:20 – 18:50 Official Opening of the Creative Skills Week


Petra Schaper Rinkel, Rector of the University for Applied Arts Vienna

Barbara Stacher, Senior Expert at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC)’s Cultural Policy Unit

Ilona Lelonek Husting, Policy Officer at the Unit for “Proximity, Social economy and Creative Industries” of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) at the European Commission

nia Almeida Santos, Vice President of European Creative Hubs Network

David Crombie, Project Coordinator of CYANOTYPES, HKU – University of the Arts Utrecht

Charlotte Gimfalk, Managing Director, YNFT – Screen Skills Committee Sweden

19:00 – 19:30 Speed networking in the PINE Tool App 



09:30 – 10:30 Plenary session: Let’s Learn How to Learn

In this session, the Cyanotypes consortium partners will present their findings after the first project year. What have we learned and what do we still need to learn? What are the skills gaps in the cultural and creative industries? What are the competencies that we should have and that we will need in the future?


Gerin Trautenberger, Managing Director, ECBN – European Creative Business Network

Becky Riches, Project Manager, MateraHub

Florian Schneider, Professor, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Sónia Alves, Researcher, K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik gGmbH


15:00 – 16:00 World Café

What are the issues and topics that should be addressed? Participants lead the way in problem-solving and future thinking for the CCSI online.

17:00 – 18:00 Closing plenary

Let’s regroup after our intensive breakout sessions. What did we discover, learn, and unlearn?


André Forte, Head of Business Development – Arts, UPTEC

David Crombie, Project Coordinator of CYANOTYPES, HKU – University of the Arts Utrecht


CYANOTYPES, ECHN and University of Applied Arts Vienna are aware that large international events can have a negative effect on the environment due to the number of participants, who will be travelling, eating, and producing waste. In order to reduce the environmental impact of the Anticipating Creative Futures, CYANOTYPES, ECHN and University of Applied Arts Vienna will make greener choices in the organisation of the Anticipating Creative Futures and will continue to engage with participants about this issue.

CYANOTYPES, ECHN and University of Applied Arts Vienna consider sustainability a very important issue, so several steps have been taken to lower the Anticipating Creative Futures impact on the environment and climate:

    • ACCOMMODATION: Most recommended hotels are in the walking distance from the venues.
    • TRAVEL: Participants are encouraged to travel by train or bus to Vienna, if possible. Walking, cycling, or public transportation should be used for travel within Vienna.
    • FOOD & DRINKS: Local and seasonal catering will be provided at the event, and only tap water will be used. Participants are encouraged to bring their own reusable water bottle.
    • MATERIALS: Printed materials and giveaways will be kept to a minimum. Please let us know in the registration process whether you need a printed programme. Participants are encouraged to bring their own tote bag in which they can keep conference materials.
    • AWARENESS: To increase awareness about environmental sustainability, our sustainable actions will be communicated to our suppliers and partners. Before, during, and after the conference we will communicate and create dialogue with our participants to help us in co-creating a more sustainable event.


Should you have any specific accessibility needs (such as transport assistance, a support from a staff member, printed programme in large letters) or if you need help registering for the event (also registering assistant accompanying you), please contact info@cyanotypes.website.



Participants of Anticipating Creative Futures are encouraged to book their accommodation in Vienna as soon as possible. Due to a high touristic season and limited accommodation options, we advise you to make your bookings now! Most of the individual bookings can be modified and cancelled at a later stage. 

Here find a list of hotel options and booking info:

Magdas Hotel*** 

Price range: 107€ – 127€ per night, incl. Breakfast 
Booking: Reserve your room by emailing booking@magdas.at with the reference CYANOTYPES. 
Booking deadline with booking code: 16 August 2023 

Austria Trend Hotel Ananas**** 

Price range: 140€ – 156€ per night, incl. breakfast 
Booking: Reserve your room by clicking on this link. 

BASSENA Wien Donaustadt**** 

Price range: 150€ – 169€ per night, incl. breakfast 
Booking: Reserve your room by clicking on this link.


By bus  

FLIXBUS – Environmentally friendly travel 

There are several bus stations in ViEnna, the closest (Karlsplatz) from the event location is approximately 10 minutes by public transportation. 

More info: Bus travel through Europe | FlixBus 

By train 

Vienna is easily reachable by international and national trains. 

More info: https://www.wien.info/en/travel-info/arrival-departure/by-train-342220 

By plane 

Vienna has an international airport with connections to most European and worldwide cities. You can find more information about connections from and to the airport: https://www.wien.info/en/travel-info/arrival-departure/airport-to-center  

The City Airport Train will bring you in 16 min from the airport to the city centre. The city airport train arrives at Wien Mitte which is just opposite of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.