A community of change for creative skills

Creative Skills Week 2024


Creative Skills Week 2024 brought together over 700 participants (both in-person and online) to dive into the future of skills for the Cultural and Creative Sector and Industries. Thanks to a powerful collaboration with the SACCORD project, the Creative Pact for Skills, EIT Culture & Creativity, and many others, CYANOTYPES played a key role in this collaborative learning adventure.

At the Main Programme in Amsterdam (18 & 19 September), CYANOTYPES proudly unveiled the first version of its Competence Framework and engaged all participants in a hands-on workshop centered on the proposed skills clusters.

The week was packed with collaborative peer learning—exploring the challenges and opportunities of micro-credentials, emerging trends and consequent strategy for the sector, and experimenting with learning activities that could shape the future of the creative workforce.

Watch the CSW2024 Recordings

You can (re)watch recordings of the Thursday, 19 September, sessions from Creative Skills Week 2024 via the CSW Vimeo channel. From insightful plenary discussions to project presentations.

CSW2024 Presentations and Materials

View materials and session slides shared by our project presenters and dive into their project, content, new ideas, tools and strategies.