
Project launches. Developing approaches to research, measure and map the existing upskilling and reskilling activities.

September 2022

The initial project phase involved identifying skills gaps, researching urgent and future CCI skills needs, and developing the CCI Skills Strategy in line with the EU Skills Agenda and Creative Pact for Skills.

Spring & Summer 2023

The first Creative Skills Week event is held in Vienna in October and attracts a wide cross-section of the CCI ecosystem. More information is available here.

Autumn 2023

Building on a model for Creative Agency, a number of curriculum development teams have been created and focus on co-creating initial curricula for each of the competences. These teams bring together different perspectives from business, VET and Higher Education and the initial curricula are targeted at EDF Level 5. 

Spring & Summer 2024

The second edition of the Creative Skills Week will be held from 16 - 20 September 2024, powered by the SACCORD project which provides support for the Creative Pact for Skills. The CYANOTYPES Framework and a supporting Playbook will be launched during this event with many participatory activities.


Autumn 2024

The piloting phase for the CYANOTYPES Framework will begin with 8 sectoral pilots and 8 cross-sectoral pilots across Europe. These co-creative pilots will help to test and improve the framework and the associated curricula in a large variety of learning contexts.  

Spring 2025

The third edition of the Creative Skills Week will be held in September 2025 in Prague. This will provide detailed insights into the outcomes from the first pilot phase of the project. An open call will be announced for all those who are interested in piloting the Framework in their region or sector.

Autumn 2025

Once the open pilots are concluded, all the information gathered will be used to finalise the Train-the-Trainer Framework to make it more widely available.  

Spring 2026

Final Project Outcomes

Autumn 2026

Year 2

A new concept of showing content in your web page with more interactive way.

A new concept of showing content in your web page with more interactive way.

A new concept of showing content in your web page with more interactive way.

A new concept of showing content in your web page with more interactive way.